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Tantec News
- Tantec have achieved Bisnode’s highest credit rating again 02/11/2020
- Tantec is now ISO 14001-certified! 01/07/2020
- Join us at the MedtecLIVE virtual event June 30 – July 2 25/06/2020
- The World’s Largest Virtual Collaborative Robot Expo 03/06/2020
- ISO 9001:2015 recertification successfully passed 27/04/2020
- Update regarding Tantec’s status at this stage of the COVID-19 pandemic 02/04/2020
- Surface treatment of important tools for diagnosing 19/03/2020
- Tantec has got a new agent in the United Arab Emirates 27/05/2019
- New agent in UK and Ireland 24/10/2018
- Outstanding collaboration with Fraunhofer IST 10/08/2018