Corona Treatment of Glass Sheets

It is often necessary to coat glass sheets as part of the manufacturing process. In order for liquid adhesives, glues, coatings, or inks to adhere to the surface of molded or extruded plastics, the process of increasing surface energy will improve surface wettability, thereby promoting stronger adhesion.

Tantec has just delivered a complete SheetTEC solution for a customer in Central Europe, where there is a demand for high quality in surface treatment of glass plates. With Corona treatment the processed plates are clean and prepared for gluing and coating. Treatment of glass plates for this application may vary from 50 mm to 1000 mm, which gives the customer treatment flexibility of small and large plates. SheetTEC is equipped with a metal electrode, which does not affect glass profiles. The result is that the items are not damaged during treatment. The processing speed of the glass sheets may vary between 0.5 m and 3 Mtr. / Min., settings are easily accessible and can be customized according to customer needs. SheetTEC is available as a system with single or double-sided surface treatment. SheetTEC is also available as a “stand alone” system or can be integrated into existing production lines.

For more information contact our sales department or call us (+45) 7558 5822

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